Healthy Environment
Neptune will maintain focus on our commitment to balancing business performance with social responsibility while maintaining environmental stewardship.
As leaders in environmental stewardship, Neptune is committed to protecting our environment. Policies are in place to reduce environmental disturbance and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Our team is environmentally conscious and makes every effort to reduce any effects our operations may have on the environment.
Neptune Practices Environmental Capitalism
Neptune Global is an international green technology company focusing on energy, the environment and economic benefit for our clients, shareholders and the community at large.
Neptune embraces the philosophy of natural capitalism in which business and environmental interests increasingly overlap, and in which businesses can better satisfy their customers' needs, increase profits, and help solve environmental problems all at the same time.
Our technology spans water remediation and cleanup for the oil & gas, mining and geothermal industries; harvesting technologies for algae feed stock production; environmentally friendly lubricants and technologies for industrial, automotive and consumer markets; alternative fuel and energy production technologies; and environmental design & engineering.